Any Size Donations Help

Why Are We Seeking Donations?

Since the Devastating losses in our first year due to severe winter weather patterns, we have been struggling to overcome and move ahead with our goal of increasing honeybee populations in the area.  After the loss, we requested an inspection by the State of Maine Department of Agriculture Apiarist who told us we did nothing wrong, and a lot of beekeepers lost hives that year.  Ours was so devastating as it took all of them!  Making it worse, as a 1st year apiary in our new location, we had no honey sales Income from the previous Year to help us Rebuild and recover.  We did get suggestions from the Dept. of Agriculture that will help!  Your donations will help top build back better! Any size donation goes a long way at Hood Brook Apiary/Hood Brook Honeybees!  From helping with over wintering, feed, and insulation, to equipment upgrades and more.

We were about to throw in the towel as we couln’t afford to rebuil from scratch when something unexpected happened.  After reading about our losses on our page, a former classmate from the Aggie who I hadn’t seen in over 40 years messages us.  He offered to donate two packages of honeybees to repopulate at least a couple hives to get started again.    Next thing I knew, others were donating and suddenly we have an optomistic outlook an surviving appeared to be possible.  Don’t get me wrong,  after losing a couple thousand dollars worth of bees, we still weren’t “sitting pretty!”  But we did have a renewed hope for survival!

Since then, we started accepting more donations and even started “Bee Sponsor” and “Adopt-a-Hive” programs and are (baring Major losses in the upcoming winter) about 1/2 way back to where we started!   With 5 hives going into the winter of 2024-25!  Things ar looking up as it seem there are kind hearted people out there who wnt to help our comeback and our mission to increase honeybee popultions in Maine.

So, with that said, we are hoping others, like yourself, understand the importance honeybees play to our food supply, especially here in maine with our world famous blueberries, apples, strawberries and so much more!

Remember, there is no such thing as too small of a donation!!  If you can only afford $1, trust me, we understand and are eternally Grateful.  Also, the knowledge you will have played a role in creating a better life for the honeybee and preserving our food supply!

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